MissWellert on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/misswellert/art/Wellspring-Wishes-955592500MissWellert

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MissWellert's avatar

Wellspring Wishes



My first scenic digital piece in time for the Equinox! Thank you IllusiveWyvern, Zalura, dirtyramen and padarii for letting me use your esk :heart:

Base Score: 10 AP (Shaded Illustration)
+5 AP (Full Body)
+30 AP (Full/Scenic Background)
+20 AP (Conservatory Bonus)
+2 AP (Small Familiar/Swarm: 1 AP * 2)
+4 AP (Accessory: 1 AP * 4)
+2 AP (Enchantment: 1 AP * 2)
+5 AP (Personal Work Bonus)
+40 AP (Other Esk Bonus: 10 AP * 4)
+50 AP (Esk Interaction Bonus: 10 AP * 5)
Total AP per submission: 168

GP for Shiro:
Base Score: 4 GP (Shaded Illustration)
+2 GP (Full Body)
+10 GP (Full/Scenic Background)
+5 GP (Conservatory Bonus)
+1 GP (Accessory: 1 GP * 1)
Total GP per submission: 22

GP for 2416:
Base Score: 4 GP (Shaded Illustration)
+2 GP (Full Body)
+10 GP (Full/Scenic Background)
+5 GP (Conservatory Bonus)
+2 GP (Small Familiar/Swarm: 1 GP * 2)
Total GP per submission: 23

GP for Peiskos:
Base Score: 4 GP (Shaded Illustration)
+10 GP (Full/Scenic Background)
+5 GP (Conservatory Bonus)
+2 GP (Accessory: 1 GP * 2)
Total GP per submission: 21

GP for 2220:
Base Score: 4 GP (Shaded Illustration)
+2 GP (Full Body)
+10 GP (Full/Scenic Background)
+5 GP (Conservatory Bonus)
+1 GP (Enchantment: 1 GP * 1)
Total GP per submission: 22

GP for Hor:
Base Score: 4 GP (Shaded Illustration)
+10 GP (Full/Scenic Background)
+5 GP (Conservatory Bonus)
+1 GP (Accessory: 1 GP * 1)
+1 GP (Enchantment: 1 GP * 1)
Total GP per submission: 21
Image size
3000x2000px 1.16 MB
© 2023 - 2024 MissWellert
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padarii's avatar

This is so sweet omg, i love how all their little paws are up looking at the fountain T U T

Thank you so much for including my baby Nerbil <333