Flutterbat ~MissRenaKitsune on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/missrenakitsune/art/Flutterbat-447659909MissRenaKitsune

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Flutterbat ~



This is a collab between :iconkakashischika: and i :D, This is for her convention that will be coming up in may! She will be attending midwest bronyfest in late may (23rd - 25th) 

Sketch -Kakashischika
Lineart - MissRenaKitsune
Basecolor - Kakashischika
Shading -MissRenaKitsune/Kakashischika
Background - Kakashischika

This piece took alot of editing :U back and forth between skype and dropbox! SO MUCH lol

:iconkakashishchika: is also the art director for midwest bronyfest :D

Stop the Bats by KakashisChika Her version!
Image size
5700x3900px 8.05 MB
© 2014 - 2025 MissRenaKitsune
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KotouDrake's avatar
Flutterbat, Flutterbat. Does whatever a flutterbat does.
Can she swing from a web?

Who the hell wants to swing from a web when you can fly with bat wings and suck the juice right out of apples? Nobody. Webs are for suckers.

I love Fluttershy.