MissMinority on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/missminority/art/A-new-OC-Ruby-147414376MissMinority

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MissMinority's avatar

A new OC - Ruby



Well I was doodling on my lunch break at work and I decided to draw some random person and I started to like how it looked and then decided to work on it on photoshop when I got home and I ended up with this :XD:
I also wanted my main OC Crystal to have a best/childhood friend :aww:
I have deicided to name her Ruby

Well what I can tell you about her is that she is 20 so a year older than Crystal. Shes more serious than Crystal but Ruby is a maneater! She loves men! (perv :XD:) and where crystal I think of her as more of a cute beauty I think of this one as more sexy beauty maybe :XD:
Also you can see she has her tail where as Crystal does not have hers apart from when she is a kid.
Also where I gave crystal a star necklace I gave this one a heart belt buckle :aww:
Her hair is kinda based on a old style of mine, but the black parts are based on what I have now, and the brown I sorta choose from my old childhood friend and my best friends :XD:
Yeah I'll shut up now :dummy:
Image size
592x800px 149.54 KB
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wLadyB91's avatar
:iconwthplz: omg i didin't comented on this one :XD: WTF is wrong with me:rofl:...¬w¬ Xares's girl :lmao: xD :rofl: hahahahahahah xD