peacock burlesqueMissMatzenbatzen on DeviantArt

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October 22, 2008
peacock burlesque by *MissMatzenbatzen "MissMatzenbatzen's work may look smooth and simple at first glance but take a second look and you'll notice the massive amount of detail she puts into each of her beautiful drawings. The bright colors really bring her whimsical."
Featured by Ikue
Suggested by snapesgirl34
MissMatzenbatzen's avatar

peacock burlesque



After I did the burlesque circus picture [link] I felt I had really found a style that would work well for my burlesque series. So I went back to the other two pictures and revised them. here is the old version of this one: [link]

My Burlesque series:
Circus: [link]
Poker: [link]
Moon: [link]
Goldfish: [link]

some explanation of my technique:
Image size
622x1013px 243.49 KB
© 2008 - 2025 MissMatzenbatzen
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supersonic318's avatar

Wonderful Female Character Design Well Done Artwork 😎