Burlesque Moon againMissMatzenbatzen on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/missmatzenbatzen/art/Burlesque-Moon-again-101442414MissMatzenbatzen

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Burlesque Moon again



Did I say no more revamps in my last piece? Well, I guess I lied. I almost forgot that i hadn't uploaded the new version of the Burlesque Moon. In this version I made her a more customized Corset. Also a big change was the eye make up which is much softer now.

My Burlesque series:
peacock: [link]
Circus: [link]
Poker: [link]
Goldfish: [link]

some explanation of my technique:

You can find the old version here:
Image size
621x1013px 164.71 KB
© 2008 - 2025 MissMatzenbatzen
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