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MissMatzenbatzen's avatar

Burlesque Goldfish



A new Burlesque Lady, Yay!
Designing her costume took forever! I really wanted this pose because I like how her butt looks, but it was really hard designing a beautiful corset or basque that looks iconic and interesting in this particular angle.
I discovered something new in illustrator, actually it's really obvious and most of you will probably just be like "duh!" but it's the first time I took notice and made use of it: it makes a whole world of difference whether you apply a blendig mode or transparency value to every single object or the whole group/layer.

My Burlesque series:
peacock: [link]
Circus: [link]
Poker: [link]
Moon: [link]

some explanation of my technique:
Image size
622x1013px 145.05 KB
Β© 2008 - 2025 MissMatzenbatzen
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