Burlesque CircusMissMatzenbatzen on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/missmatzenbatzen/art/Burlesque-Circus-90674623MissMatzenbatzen

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MissMatzenbatzen's avatar

Burlesque Circus



This one took me so much time, half way through I was actually ready to throw the vector away and start totally fresh with a new pencil drawing. But then I just left it alone for a while until I had the energy to finish it. I'm actually pretty happy with it.

My Burlesque series:
peacock: [link]
Poker: [link]
Moon: [link]
Goldfish: [link]

some explanation of my technique:
Image size
622x1013px 322.96 KB
© 2008 - 2025 MissMatzenbatzen
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Burksaurus's avatar
I like her dark skin and blonde hair. She looks like a Melanesian or Aboriginal Australian since they're black people with natural blonde hair