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Choose Compassion



What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?

"Kindness don't have no boundaries."
—Aibileen, The Help

To me, compassion is everything: it is reason, it is why, it is how, it is always, it is yesterday and today and tomorrow. It is behind all actions, before all things, entwined in every aspect of life. How do I write about the philosophy that drives everything for me? I call myself a writer, but the more I think about kindness, the more my words slip away.

I want every choice of mine to be motivated by compassion. Let me balance a love of myself with a love of others, and devote my life to their smiles. Let me shine like a flame wherever I go, illuminating people's lives and leaving a lingering brightness that builds them up. Let me inspire others to do the same.

May this stamp be an inspiring affirmation to you. Place it on your page as a reminder if you wish. Choose the person you want to be.

I love you all :heart:

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