Autism Acceptance EventMissLunaRose on DeviantArt

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Autism Acceptance Event


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Character  Mia RainbowCharacter  Alan LondonCharacter  Tommy Piper


I'm uploading a batch of autism-related art. This one features 3 characters from Stella's doll world: Mia (autistic), Alan (non-autistic), and Tommy (autistic).

I enjoyed creating some distinct art styles for this picture. Tommy's art uses stick figures, Mia's art is more dynamic with big eyes, and Alan's art is loosely realistic and stiff. Two artists not pictured include Zoey (messy art) and Ami (the "letting people fidget" one). If you look closely, you might be able to tell who drew what!

I hope more autism campaigns will focus less on identifying or saying negative things about autistic people, and more about inclusion and how to make the world friendlier to autistic people.
Image size
1200x800px 485.58 KB
© 2023 - 2025 MissLunaRose
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plasmapony's avatar

Please do not portray autism in this way if you do not have autism. Please respect, minorities