ML Pixel PatternsMissLittlewood on DeviantArt

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MissLittlewood's avatar

ML Pixel Patterns




I discovered Pixel Patterns! This is such a mind numbing and time consuming pursuit, that it really soothes the soul! These are my first attempts, so go easy with the C&C!. They are seamless, and can be used for anything! Blogs, layouts, journals, whatever.. Fill your boots!

Free to use and no linkback essential, but it would be nice if you showed me how you use them, so I know it would be worth making more.

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32767x3px 16.62 KB
anonymous's avatar
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Moki814's avatar
I'm new at making pixel patterns too. But yours are much better than mine!

I usually pixel on iScribble its pretty fun because there are loads of other pixellers. :D