Misone on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/misone/art/Syndicate-Autonomous-Main-Battle-Tank-600961758Misone

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Syndicate Autonomous Main Battle Tank



Technoguild related: There doesn't seem to be any point to keeping this thing under wraps anymore, enjoy.

I don't know if i ever gave this thing a proper name; its central processor was your classic "brain in a jar", specifically the brain of a wildcat, linked into some fairly potent computer hardware, and tucked away down in the hull behind the vehicle's thickest armor.

The IFF system used hormone and brain chemistry manipulation to make the wildcat brain behave as intended, though certain eccentricities in the units behavior where unavoidable, particularly its near inability to operate in groups of 3 or more.

If any of this sounds gross, morally objectionable, or questionably sane... well, that was kind of the whole point, the Syndicate where intended to be a very nasty bunch.
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3820x2790px 1.35 MB
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