Visions of the CityMiso-no-Tsuki on DeviantArt

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Visions of the City



This is for the SGA art community "Painted Spires" over on LJ. It's my first time doing prompted art to a deadline. I picked the prompt " I met in the street a very poor young man who was in love. His hat was old, his coat worn, his cloak was out at the elbows, the water passed through his shoes, - and the stars through his soul." (Victor Hugo.)
The last phrase was what caught me. So, sad Muppet that I am this pic has a back story.
I see this as a slightly younger John, just post Afghanistan, disillusioned and feeling lost in the city (insert American Metropolis of choice) with no obvious future, when he has a vision of a elegant but strange city. He doesn't know where it is or how he gets there, only that it is where he belongs.

Aaah. Many many thanks to :iconcrysothemis: who was my art beta and made it better with her suggestions; and "Colonel K" my beloved in-house-beta who also wrangled PhotoShop into submission on a number of occasions. :bow:
And yes, intentional homage to Ridley Scott there.
EDIT: Since :iconmazmoore: asked I've put the full size version of the last panel up in my scraps collection, so that you can see the detail clearly.
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1026x475px 109.68 KB
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jack07's avatar
aww man

thats just an amazing set of shots there