Mandy's Still Watching YouMirRoriel on DeviantArt

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Mandy's Still Watching You



No light no light in your bright blue eyes
I never knew daylight could be so violent...

-Florence and the Machine

Mandy! Remake of this: Mandy's watching You. Inspired by... guess who:icongrin--plz:?? But this time I tried to be as original as possible while still trying to paint in that awesome way. Tried out my own colours. That's why there's bits of orange and red and purple on the skin and those cool eyes ^^. But I didn't come up with the pose! That's another thing I need to practice mastering. I referenced this picture --> [link] EDIT 15/07/12 with Sakimichan's permission of course... sorry I should've mentioned that from the beginning ^^; . This is part of a bigger picture... at least according to the lineart... who knows when I'll get around to finishing it haha :giggle:EDIT 15/07/12 um yeah about that :shifty:...probably never hey. By the way, I've decided Mandy shrunk Grim's head and used his skull to build headphones into her black hair band... tehe!

Hope you like it :)

02/06/12 EDIT
Turned the harmless cake cutter into a killer knife haha! Thanks to all who pointed it out :)!
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2619x3200px 3.49 MB
© 2012 - 2025 MirRoriel
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Sayab-uh's avatar
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star::star-empty::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

Well I must say that this little "remake" really shows how much you've improved! As I've told you before, I know you can go further with your art.

I love the way you do the hair, it has a lot of flow and a sense of movement. Your design of the headphones is also very interesting and pretty unique. I can definitively see Mandy doing that to Grim's head <img src="…" width="17" height="15" alt=":giggle:" title="Giggle"/> The face s also very well done and the shading looks really smooth and nice.

The elbows and her hand look a bit muddy to me though. I believe you could've blend the colors a bit more to make her elbows (especially the left one) look a little bit more smooth. Another thing is that I see how you tried to show the shade that her hair projects on that elbow, but it looks rough and makes that side look deformed.

The knife is something that also bothers me a bit. Seeing what you can do with a face makes me believe you can portray simple objects in a better way. Maybe you can make the edges a bit more defined and <img src="…" width="15" height="15" alt=":meow:" title="Meow :3"/> The same thing with the handle of the knife. I know you can do a much better shading in it.

Faces seem to be your strength here. That is something really hard to do for any artist to master. In comparison I think you could make the rest of her body look more defined and more smoothly shaded. ;3 try and look for more references than just sakimichan's paintings. I believe that doing so will make you learn more than what you already know. Keep up the great work! ;3