Lavinia the Avox - Hunger GamesMirRoriel on DeviantArt

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Lavinia the Avox - Hunger Games



"They were from here?"
I nod.
They'd had that Capitol look about them. The boy and the girl...

Hi guys! It's been so long omw :nuu:. I've got two tests coming up but I missed painting so much so I just had to do this! It's Lavinia! But before she escapes with her friend and gets turned into an Avox... so she still looks super decent and :giggle: that's meant to be a couple of Capitol buildings in the background haha :blush:! This painting is 1000% inspired by :iconsakimichan:'s mind blowing style. With *sakimichan's permission of course :)! I feel like I'm a bit closer with this one :iconsmile--plz:.

I hope you guys like it! I heard the movie's coming out in 3 weeks here in South Africa... how dodgy is that? :shocked:!!
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3200x4000px 4.83 MB
© 2012 - 2025 MirRoriel
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X-I-L2048's avatar
Wow, she's gorgeous! :wow: I always pictured her having freckles, but other than that, I think this is very close to how I imagined her. =D