Korra - Avatar StateMirRoriel on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mirroriel/art/Korra-Avatar-State-314594456MirRoriel

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Daily Deviation

July 27, 2012
Korra - Avatar State by *Zenith-Nadir69 is very dynamic with great effects and attention to texture and lighting.
Featured by Lyricanna
Suggested by Minato-Kushina
MirRoriel's avatar

Korra - Avatar State



Koooorrrraaaaaa :D! In the Avatar State! Bending ALL.

I think all that referencing in the past is starting to bare fruit:happybounce:. Introducing a painting in the style of :iconzenith-nadir69: :giggle:

Fire texture taken from CGTextures and I just discovered the awesomeness that is the chalk textured brush :la:.

Let me know what you think lovelies :)!

EDIT OMW!! DD Whooooo :onfire: Yaay thank you thank you thank you :iconexcitedlaplz:! Special thanks to *QAuZ for always patiently taking time to give me pointers on how I could attain higher and higher quality in my submissions, *Minato-Kushina for ACTUALLY suggesting this :iconhappytearsplz: and finally ^Lyricanna for finding it cool enough to feature :iconcannotevenplz:!!

Hehe if you like Avatar, I've just submitted some Mako to go with Korra in celebration of this momentuos occasion:la:.

Thanks for the faves, comments and watches.. SO AWESOME. Will thank you all soon :happybounce: OMW I finally replied to everyone :iconimdeadplz:
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2500x3388px 6.33 MB
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