Effie Trinket: May the Odds Be Ever In Your FavourMirRoriel on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mirroriel/art/Effie-Trinket-May-the-Odds-Be-Ever-In-Your-Favour-282377099MirRoriel

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Effie Trinket: May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favour



PINK HAIR whooooo :icongrin--plz:!

I give you the infamous Effie Trinket, looking uncharacteristically sassy.

"What is she wearing!", you ask. "I don't know is my answer.
"Why on earth is she standing in the rain?" You exclaim.... Well, you tell me ;) hahaha

This style is inspired by the oh so awesome =sakimichan... If you don't know who this is... then you haven't been around DA much. She's everywhere! Haha and when I grow up, I want to be just like her... :iconokplz:
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BookwormCameleon's avatar
:love:I am in love with this from the amazing dress to the hair and rain :love: