mirroredsea on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mirroredsea/art/RequestQuest-687435775mirroredsea

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mirroredsea's avatar




So! It might be a bit boring, but let’s play a little game
All you have to do is
click on objects, guess the original melody combination, then write a comment with the combination that you think may be the right one. Later I will reply to you with “right” or “wrong” comment
First one to guess the right melody will get a safe requested drawing from me :D

p.s. it's not necessary, you can just ignore it ^^; but if you're up for it, you can use as many attempts as you want!
p.p.s. there’s 7 clickable things and they're all needed (so using one object more than once will be wrong)
hint: it’s ending with cube

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700x700px 1.93 MB
© 2017 - 2024 mirroredsea
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Ganondox's avatar
Is there any connection between the objects and the sound they make?