Oh my gosh - I ulpoadet Pictures. O_o Poor thing that I don't have any clue about that Photo-Shop Thing... I really want to give my pictures a better color :P
In the next time I will do more Pics to improve my skills. It isn't really cool to upload 1000 Chibis, I think xD'
So, well. It's done. I don't know why deviant just don't wanted to logging me in, but now... I'm here! I really hope all the good drawners in here can be a very good motivation to me. I really want to improve my drawning (and english) skills.
And now... I can stalk my idol. Haha e_e XD
I hope you will give me a lot of help :3
Hello, deviants!
Was sind'n des in deiner Sig für Skillpoint's? oO Hast dir n Spiel ausgedacht oder wie? xD Und lad jetzt endlich ma was hoch, is ja langweilig auf deiner Page xD