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This was actually done as a (SUUUUUPER early) birthday present for our longtime friend, AlphaYami (hi Una!). For the longest time we were convinced her birthday was in September like ours so I doodled and colored this for her; and it was after we sent it that we learned her birthday was months later. Oops.
Anyway, not much to say about the piece. I drew and inked it, scanned it in, and then went hyper detailed on the shading; there are I think a total of four levels of colors/highlights. I can't remember what filter I did for the armor, but it actually looks vaguely metal like, and the hair almost looks like it could be believable. (Given the 80s hair that was prevalent in the series, this is actually pretty tame
And for those who don't know, this is Yami Masho Anubisu of the (cult?) classic Yoroiden Samurai Troopers. Dubbed in America as Cale, Warlord of Darkness from Ronin Warriors. Of the baddies in the series, Anubisu is probably my fave - he gets some of the BEST lines in the dub and is in my humble opinion one of the most accomplished of the Masho. The villains don't get enough love.
Anyway, not much to say about the piece. I drew and inked it, scanned it in, and then went hyper detailed on the shading; there are I think a total of four levels of colors/highlights. I can't remember what filter I did for the armor, but it actually looks vaguely metal like, and the hair almost looks like it could be believable. (Given the 80s hair that was prevalent in the series, this is actually pretty tame

And for those who don't know, this is Yami Masho Anubisu of the (cult?) classic Yoroiden Samurai Troopers. Dubbed in America as Cale, Warlord of Darkness from Ronin Warriors. Of the baddies in the series, Anubisu is probably my fave - he gets some of the BEST lines in the dub and is in my humble opinion one of the most accomplished of the Masho. The villains don't get enough love.
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1606x1350px 499.35 KB
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