Once a year we do a "deep clean" of whereever we live. We do one room a weekend to go through and get all the nooks and crannies we don't catch in our weekly cleaning, we think about placement or orientation, if something needs to move or if we need to purge a shelf.
Now that we're in a house that's a MUCH bigger project, because there's more than just... like... 5 rooms and 2 bathrooms. But once the two of us looked at our office, which since the move has turned into a catch-all of just S T U F F shoved into shelves and out in the open, we decided to take this room and make it a P R O J E C T.
Didn't take a before pic, unfortunately, didn't think to post about this until we started pulling things out. But, indeed, here is all the random stuff in our office that wasn't locked in a closet:
Wow that's a lot of stuff!
It was a little scary to see it all lined up, but it forced us to make some decisions lest we keep tripping over everything on