Β Heeeyy! Call me Hikari. Longtime Deviant. Longtime writer of YA Fantasy and Webcomics. Mostly I lurk here these days, but I'm never too far away. DeviantArt will always be special to me. Β
While I've been writing fantasy fiction for a good long time (20 years and counting!), it's only recently I stepped into the brave new world of indie publishing under the pen name M. H. Woodscourt. Β A LIAR IN PARADISE is a (oft humorous) YA Fantasy novel and first in the PARADISE SERIES, which plays into common tropes while offering a few fresh plot twists besides. I also recently released KEY OF PARADISE, second book in the same series, which got its start right here on DeviantArt yeeaaarsss ago. OCTOBER COVE is a Halloween novella written for the holiday season and as a tribute to my Autumn-lovin' mamma.
THE CROW KING, Book 1 of my high fantasy WINTERVALE duology, is also now available, and its sequel, THE WINTER KING, will be released on February 6, 2021. You can pre-order it on Amazon at http://getbook.at/TheWinterKing
It's a pleasure to know ya!