Hi! My name is Jayce Samantha Karim and I'm from Indonesia. Currently I participate in the brave frontier content creator program, as pretty obvious from the whole lot of BF pics i seem to churn out. It's a good game! and the pixel arts are super nice.
If there's anything you want to ask me, go ahead and drop a note! I usually respond way faster on that than a comment, though I do try to reply to the comments as well (though... i don't reply if i don't have a good thing to say hahahahaha [sorry])
I've been letting this alone for quite some time, but I think it's high time I address this.
There has been some cases (mainly instagram/forum users) that went ahead and claimed my artwork (even the speedpaint video!) as theirs. That has to stop.
These people/organization/site has my permissions to repost my Brave Frontier artwork on their pages (under proper credits):* bravefrontierpros.tumblr.com
* Gumi Asia Inc.
* Appinvasion.com [FANART THREAD ONLY]
* /r/bravefrontier subreddit
if you need to post my pic on your FB page/forum thread/whatever, please ask via comment/note! I'll try to respond within a day.
e-mail: mirelle.vmania@gmail.com
twitter: miririri - contact me on twitter!*
tumblr (warning: rarely active!):
here's the tumblr blog1*
reddit /u/miririri