Mioku's avatar


Mioku Nagasaki
226 Watchers447 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

  • United States
  • Deviant for 21 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (20)
My Bio

I am a ________________ .

Please Choose From The Following Selection:

( A ) : Nerd.

( B ) : Geek.

( C ) : Gamer.

( D ) : Dork.

( E ) : All of the above.

Current Residence: WAS Hawaii, Now New Jersey
Favourite genre of music: ANYTHING ^_^ (mainly JROCK) but not traditional country, gospel, christian and a few others...
Operating System: Misto (MistoCompy) - Macbook
MP3 player of choice: Beat up 2nd Gen ipod
Wallpaper of choice: Anything by Shinji01 or kyootekytty
Favourite cartoon character: Tsukasa from .hack//sign
Personal Quote: "Even upon the edge of hell the bittersweet light of love can save you"

Favourite Visual Artist
William Morris
Favourite Movies
The Pink Panther(2006) (And A Whole Lot Of Others)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Gackt, Linkin Park, Disturbed, o-dai, Malice Mizer, Utada Hikaru, Sting, Ayumi Hamasaki, etc.
Favourite Writers
Baroness Orczy, Geoffrey Chaucer, Jules Verne, Jim Butcher
Favourite Games
Assassin's Creed Series ~WoW~BRAWL~Silent Hill~
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, PS3, 3DS, Wii, XB360 & GameCube
Tools of the Trade
mechpencils, pigma pens, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop...
Other Interests
<3 Daniel <3 , anime, drawing, reading, hanging with friends, watching TV, raves, etc.
Wow. This thing is old. Hard to believe I&#039;ve had a DA account for 7 years. Seems like only yesterday I was scanning in WeiB Kreuz fanart....But yes. Haven&#039;t really been posting on here because:1) My scanner is long dead. 2) Haven&#039;t really drawn anything worth while to put up. 3) I have branched out into other forms of arts.So besides drawing I have become somewhat of a MacGyver when it comes to costuming. I dunno but lately that&#039;s been a passion of mine. I mean dressing up not only for conventions but also for work (GameStop). Yes I got a 2nd job. Something to do and hey, extra cash doesn&#039;t hurt. It&#039;s pretty fun at my location. My boss usu...
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Well obviously it&#039;s been a while since I&#039;ve updated here. I&#039;ve graduated college and am now working freelance graphic design though also looking to settle down at a nice firm or studio.So I bought a premium account since the new portfolio function came out and looks very sleek.I&#039;m still getting stuff uploaded to it so it&#039;s not 100% yet but I&#039;m glad it&#039;s a work in progress.So anyways, most of my &#039;Mioku&#039; art will be put on hold while I get my graphic design career going! :DIf I was a pokemon I&#039;d have to say.....What? Mioku is evolving?.....*pokemon evolving theme*.......
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Baby Got Mac

0 min read
Yes, I&#039;ve finally given into the mac. Well mainly because I&#039;m tired of spending 10+ hours almost everyday just to be able to get my graphics homeworks done on time because I don&#039;t have the software at home.Soooooo for my christmas/birthday/grad present I got myself a new mac book! ^_^And the software. Which is awesome because since I bought it within a certain time frame, I can upgrade to the next software (Adobe Creative Suite 4) for FREE!!! XDSo yes. This should make my stress levels go down just a tad since I can now sit on my bed with my lappy and work on my homework.
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Profile Comments 589

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Im doing a big burton tribute thing would you be able to help?
The link explains it all in a journal i writ
thank you
Hey lady, long time no talk. Whats up!
ZOMG how have you been?! lol Been crazy on this side. I finally moved to the mainland :D
About time!!! So fill me on on your life's details!
Thank you for the :+fav:! ^^
Thanks for the comment and the fav. :)
please join the club! :heart:
