Minus-Wings on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/minus-wings/art/Go-ahead-evert-away-144789815Minus-Wings

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Minus-Wings's avatar

Go ahead, evert away



... I mean, what could go wrong?

If you haven't, you REALLY should (play/watch a LP of) Eversion. Play would be a better option, but, ya know. Sometimes that can't happen. DeceasedCrab is a really good LPer on Youtube. Did a great job on Eversion.

Playing around with my tablet is fun. I have GIMP, since my computer can't handle the cool stuff I got with my tablet. It works well, so I'm happee. C: I'm not too good at drawing with it yet, but coloring's a breeze. Love it to pieces. Hopefully I'll be okay at drawing with it soon so I'll be willing to play on Iscribble or summat. That would be fun.

But anyway, this is Princess and Flowerguy from Eversion. Flowerguy is the main character. It's a pretty simple, Mario-ish kind of game. It's short, too, so no worries there. A pretty good puzzle game if you ask me.

I'm gonna do a sequel picture (or whatever you call it) to this one. It'll be censored for spoilers, so if you haven't played Eversion, DEFINITELY do NOT look at it. You'll ruin the fun. :<

Princess and Flowerguy belong to someone who isn't me.
Image size
1700x2164px 567.97 KB
HP pstc4200
Date Taken
Nov 21, 2009, 6:57:37 PM
© 2009 - 2024 Minus-Wings
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The9Lord's avatar
i can't handle so much cuteness "dies"