Minuiko on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/minuiko/art/TCP-Inner-Cover-279277366Minuiko

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TCP Inner Cover



Aaand it was decided that this would be an inner cover rather than the outer, which I don't mind at all. School is killing me so I can only submit this slightly-cleaned-up-but-still-sketchy version (but to be honest I think I like it better than I would a clean colored version). Hope you all like it! Fixed a bit of stiffness here and there and repositioned Daja. I kind of want to see her spar with Kel in a polearm battle, ha.

/edit: gosh you guys, no love for eyepatch Daine xD (I fixed it 'cause I realized no one else had their eyes shaded out......)

Tortall/Emelan (c) Tamora Pierce
Art (c) Minuiko
Image size
6000x4015px 16.72 MB
© 2012 - 2024 Minuiko
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Peter-117's avatar
Makes me wonder whom they are facing. Roger? Stenmun? Orzorne? A team-up? Welln whoever they are... they'll wish they stayed home.