Calis Projects Tile SetMinorthreat0987 on DeviantArt

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Minorthreat0987's avatar

Calis Projects Tile Set



So this is another Calis Sponsored Tileset. More will be added often to this set.

These are PUBLIC TILES, just please be sure to credit Minorthreat0987 AND Calis Projects if you use any tiles from this set.

I encourage everyone to keep checking back on this, because there will hopefully be frequent updates.

Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Gamefreak, nothing in this deviation is made by either company. They are based on the Pokemon style, however they are completely scratch based tiles, and are NOT ripped from any official Pokemon Game, nor are they based on any official Pokemon Tiles.

The B/W Flowers are based on the seasons flowers by TyranitarDark

REMINDER: You are allowed to make requests of tiles that you desire to be added to the tileset in future updates. I will try to follow through with all rational requests.

March 25th - Added the logs that PeekyChew requested, and added some more decorative rocks, as well as a new tree in the larger style that seems to be popular these days.

Sorry for all of the annoying notifications, but I want to make sure that those who are using the tileset get all of the updates.
Image size
1022x1100px 194.89 KB
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Dant398's avatar

Good Tiles !, Thanks I will use them for my Hack, they look very nice