Arc 8MiniJen on DeviantArt

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Arc 8



The world’s the same or so it seems
Perhaps its just an impossible dream
Old villains lurk, disaster awaits
A change lies ahead at the end of arc eight

AhahahahAHAHAHAHAHA ITS COMING KIDS, ARC 8 IS NEARLY UPON US AFTER YEARS OF WAITING AND OH BOY IS IT GONNA BE A DOOZY! Seriously there are SO many chapters and moments I’m excited about in this arc (especially its arc ender… ;) But anyway, as per usual, here’s what everything means in this lil preview cover for it right here: 

Same Old World: Lapis and Peridot
Hit the Diamond: the Ruby Squad
Mismatched Making: Dipper and Pacifica
Mr. Greg: Pearl
The New Stan: Stan and Steven
Gravity Falls Drift: Stevonnie and Zoom
Adventures in the Multiverse: Ford, the wanted poster, Dimension 52, the Quadrangle of Quonfusion, and Homeworld
Monster Falls: MerMabel and Centi
Alone on the Lake: Jasper
Rifts/Memories/Dimensions: Stepper and Bill

And there ya have it! Let’s just say I’m HELLA Hype for this arc and I can’t wait to get started on it so we can all enjoy the laughs, the adventures, and the tears. Mostly the tears cause RMD gonna wreck us all ahahaha enjoy!

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Chuckecheesekid9000's avatar

Lapis and Peridot are nothing like Ruby and Sapphire, okay?