
Home is Where the Heart Is Ch 6

Deviation Actions

Mini-Wolfsbane's avatar

Literature Text

Disclaimer: I don't own X-Men:Evolution or it's characters. Just my OC, Molly Callum/Creature and any
original characters/background characters that may pop up from time to time.



"Molly!" Remy shouted. Molly had fallen to the floor and Sam cannon balled her attacker out of the way. She was unconscious, so she was a sitting duck. A perfect target to drag off and experiment on. Remy quickly ran over, getting down close to shield Molly, intent on protecting her as everyone else kept going on the attack.

"Molly, come on, wake up!" Remy shook her.

No response as her head hung to the side and her eyes didn't even flinch. Her body was limp in his hands.

Remy saw a couple of the men heading towards them. He flung out charged cards faster than the eye could see. They exploded, sending the men back against a wall, knocking them out.

"MOLLY WAKE UP!" Remy yelled.

Molly didn't move, but she wasn't bleeding and still breathing. Four more men headed their way and Remy sent all but a barrage of cards their way. The cards exploded in a flash of light and loud booms, knocking the men back several feet, rolling onto the floor and knocked out. "Molly..." Remy didn't know what to do, then a thought came to him. If yelling wasn't going to wake her up, perhaps shock would. She was going to kill him for this one, especially since so many people were watching them. Remy grabbed her face and kissed passionately, quickly putting his tongue into her mouth.

"Mmhhmm?" Molly blinked once, then twice, then finally pulled away.

"You're awake," Remy smiled.

Molly glared at Remy silently for a second, then pulling back her hand and slapping him. She was angry, but she wasn't furious.
It was usually never in their relationship to be physically damaging to each other and Remy did have very good reasons for doing it.
"You stuck your tongue down my throat!"

"Yes, because if I hadn't, you'd be sitting in a cage missing a liver and a lung," Remy said calmly.

"Uh, right. Sorry. I forgot about that. Okay, completely forgiven then," Molly said brightly, smiling a moment.

The two of them stood up and went back to facing the enemy. Molly took down a giant of a man as a grizzly bear, tossing him around like a rag doll, while Remy faced off against a short, thin man in goggles with a crazy grin on his face in a black and white suite.
Apparently the Splicers thought little of hiring mutants to help their cause, even though they also experimented on them.
"I don't want to hurt such a scrawny guy, but I don't have a choice," Remy said.

"That's funny, 'cause I want to hurt you. I've got a power too," the man said.

"What?" Remy wondered. Probably something like able to turn into a huge, over-muscled gargantuan and able to crush Remy flat.

"Multiplier," The man suddenly became six, then twelve, then eighteen, then twenty-four, then thirty-two. They pilled onto Remy in a  huge heap of bodies, trying to suffocate him! It was a melee! The hordes piled on top of each other in heartbeats, in seconds. A thousand men in black and white, a mass of bodies. Seeming like dead weight, but Remy would run out of air soon if Molly didn't do something! Molly changed back to normal now that she'd put the big man out. She ran over to the pile, trying to assess the situation as fast as her brain allowed. Since they were in the center of the room and things were starting to sort themselves out after all the X-Men had done to fight, Molly had lots of room to morph. Lots and lots of room. She turned into a spinosaurus as quickly as her body now could muster. Being huge gave her a great vantage point, but even better, the pile of villains went from being an impossible mountain of people, to a small pile of writhing insects, just a bunch of bugs beneath Mollys sight. Sometimes bigger was much better.

"This was a bad idea," A clone looked up at her with big eyes and a pale complexion from on top of the huge pile of bodies.

Molly stuck her long snout into the pile, rooting Remy out by tossing the men around the room. Eventually she reached Remy, who was safe and breathing but surrounded by a growing kinetic energy air bubble of what little oxygen he had around him. He powered down when he saw he was no longer surrounded.

"Thanks for the save, but I was about to save myself. I can do that you know. You don't have to impress everyone with the dinosaur show," Remy brushed off his suit jacket calmly, like  a near death experience was nothing.

Molly changed back, walking up to Remy and looking up at him.
"Fine. Then maybe next time I won't save you."

"I'd like that," Remy said.

The two of them looked around. Genovilia had fled some time ago and her goons were being rounded up and taken downstairs to the lower levels. The X-Men had won again, but just barely. Things could have gone so much worse. Molly was wracked with relief that they'd survived their worst enemy and that everyone was safe and none of her family or friends had been hurt or taken in the fight. She squeezed Remy's hand and he squeezed back.

"Our apologies-" Charles started to say when the families broke out in applause, suddenly rushing up to their children and saying how fantastic and amazing they were. The pride on the faces of Molly's family members was incomparable. She felt a strong sense of self-worth and pride in herself that hadn't been felt in some time. They'd seen what she could do and knew she could take care of herself.

"Oh, uh, thank you. It was nothing. It's what we do all the time," Molly rubbed a hand to the back of her head as she blushed, smiling huge.

"Please join me outside where we can continue the festivities," Charles said.

"So now that we've French kissed, what do you think? Want to do that on a regular basis now?" Remy bugged Molly as they walked several yards behind her family.

"It was...great...but I'm not sure," Molly said, "Let me think about it."

"Oh you think about it Petite, you think about it," Remy smirked.
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