Sun Is Shiningminhbuinhat99 on DeviantArt

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Sun Is Shining



"Then you came my way on a winter's day
Shouted loudly come out and play
Can't you tell I got news for you
Sun is shining and so are you

And we're gonna be alright
Dry your tears and hold tight
Can't you tell I got news for you
Sun is shining and so are you"

Axwell /\ Ingrosso - Sun Is Shining

When i'm uninspired, i look out for song/tracks, and it really helped :D
Found this amazing song while watching some Ultra Music Festival (UMF 2016). Actually, i've started making this wallpaper about 2 or 3 weeks ago, but i couldn't find a good inspiration or something to blend well with the wallpaper, so i left it untouched. After listening to the track, this one is finished. Hope you guys like it :D

My destiny (fluttershy) by nekonyaru
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