Chained Eternity (MBN99+DJ-AppleJ-Sound)minhbuinhat99 on DeviantArt

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minhbuinhat99's avatar

Chained Eternity (MBN99+DJ-AppleJ-Sound)



So, today i present you, my second collab with DJ-AppleJ-Sound. I can say that we had some really good time playing with this, and we're both happy with the final result. Hope you guys like it :D

(The initial idea is somewhat inspired from this by my friend PhuocThienCreation, he gots some amazing arts and comics. Be sure to check him out)

Princess Luna Vector #01 by simplyFeatherbrain
dark empty background (stock) by wormi98
Field Background Stock 009 by EssenceOfPerception

Cloud Stock 18 by Nikkayla
Clouds 014 by rushpoint-stock

Starfield Stock by dadrian

:iconccwelcomedplz1::iconccwelcomedplz2: :iconyouareplz::iconallowedplz: 

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1920x1080px 3.07 MB
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