World View | Explorable ImageMinecraftPhotography on DeviantArt

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MinecraftPhotography's avatar

World View | Explorable Image



I made this render quite a long time ago. It was an experiment to see what kind of resolutions I could work with.

This is the one world I used for a long time to make some of my earliest renders. I will list the other renders I made below,

Minecraft | Plains Village (High Res. Wallpaper) by MinecraftPhotographyMinecraft -- Plains Village (UHD Wallpaper) by MinecraftPhotography

Acacia Tree by MinecraftPhotographyDesert Rivers by MinecraftPhotographyDesert Temple -- One Block to Treasure by MinecraftPhotography

Testificate Village Wallpaper by MinecraftPhotography <da:thumb id="445423129">

My work is downloadable! I do not wish to keep Minecraft to myself; I want to share it as much as I can.

However, should you make any of, or anything from any of my images public, you must credit my work and the work of the builders (if there were any) by linking to the image's page or my deviantART page from wherever you make our work public.
Thank you!


Image information,

Render Software: Chunky
Texture Pack: Faithful 64x64
Samples Per Pixel: 1,300
16k Image.
Image size
15360x8640px 29.76 MB
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Rupertpembot's avatar

Love the general vibe i use this as my background now and idea what the seed is would love to play on it