I Walk Among Starsmindlesslyindulged on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mindlesslyindulged/art/I-Walk-Among-Stars-121131384mindlesslyindulged

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I Walk Among Stars



First of all, PLEASE, full view!

This was made for my friend over at WWS. I recently switched my major to Graphic Design and as such I have been hacking away at CS3, determined to tame it and become friends with it. This image took me about 3 hours, between picking out the images to use and finalizing it. I actually accidentally CLOSED OUT of it but fortunately I had previously saved it. The wolf is made of two wolves, and there are several different pictures now compiled into one. I had a wonderful time making it and I hope my friend likes it like it!

Images Used:
Planet: [link]

Koi fish: [link] & [link]

Clouds: [link]

Wolf: [link] & [link]

Star Brushes: [link] & [link]

Star BG: [link]

Time it took: About 3 or so Hours
Program: Photoshop CS3

EDIT: Fixed that light colored stripe.
Image size
1200x736px 799.2 KB
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