Belle Bentomindfire3927 on DeviantArt

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mindfire3927's avatar

Belle Bento



This is one of my favorite Disney movies ever so of course we went and saw it in 3D yesterday :D

LEFT: Belle (turkey, rice paper, nori, tortilla, food color), rice.

RIGHT: rose (romaine, tortilla soaked in fruit punch), Mrs. Potts (eggplant/red cabbage), grilled eggplant, coconut wafers, slow-cooked pork, pineapple/banana chips.

I really didn't plan on putting any of the servants in the bento (I was worried all those faces would get kind of busy/crazy) but I had those pretty plump, white eggplant slices and well...I just like Mrs. Potts a lot I guess <3

And also, the Tangled Ever After short cartoon is fantastic :3
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Iiris-kissa's avatar
fine, and probably good too.