
I'm the Wolverine: Prologue

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Literature Text

You stood on the roof with your sniper rifle; you were hired to hunt down James Logan Howlett by an unknown source. All that was given to you was a description of what the male looked like, you where cracked your knuckles and positioned your rifle.

You looked through the scope and saw him standing on the street in his leather jacket, jeans, white wife beater shirt and black boots.

Logan looked down and saw a small red light on his chest, he growled and looked around, he looked at the rooftops on the buildings nearby.

You quickly pulled the trigger hitting Logan in the shoulder, “Dammit!” You growled.

Pedestrians nearby screamed and ran like chickens with their heads cut off.

Logan stopped and saw you on the roof with your sniper rifle.

You quickly stood looking at him straight in the eyes, you grabbed your sniper rifle taking it apart and putting it back in its case, you swore under your breath and picked up your bag quickly opening the rooftop door, you walked down a flight of stairs and down a hallway of an empty building that had just been built.

You saw Logan standing at the end of the hallway growling angrily, you stopped and stared at him nervously. You soon realized your simple mission had just become a difficult one.
I hope you all enjoy my new X Reader series :3
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Omg yaaaaay, this is cool!!! Is there any more?