Rock Texture2Mind-Illusi0nZ-Stock on DeviantArt

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Mind-Illusi0nZ-Stock's avatar

Rock Texture2



Rules for using my stock

:bulletred: Please give me credit if you use any of my stock. Please post my icon and if you could post the link to the stock image you used that would be much appreciated.

:bulletred: Please Note/Comment with a link of your work, so that I can see what you have created and :+fav: it:D

:bulletred: Do not redistribute them or claim them as your own, that's called theft and it's not cool!

:bulletred: You do not need to ask my permission if you want to use my stock for prints, again just make sure credit is given.

:bulletred: All of my stock can be downloaded for higher resolution

:bulletred: Above all have fun and be creative!
Image size
1400x1050px 590.32 KB
© 2008 - 2025 Mind-Illusi0nZ-Stock
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OracleX7's avatar
Nice, exactly what I needed :D Used in the background of this piece [link]