PONYCOLLAB with FullRings!! X3Mimy92Sonadow on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mimy92sonadow/art/PONYCOLLAB-with-FullRings-X3-446647589Mimy92Sonadow

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PONYCOLLAB with FullRings!! X3



OMG!!!Llama Emoji-39 (Eager) [V2]  AT LAST!!Llama Emoji 25 (Mah Sexy Cheeks) [V2]  A collab with my soooo awesome friend and great artist :iconfullrings: Llama Emoji 35 (Desire or Want Something) [V2] 
hahaha too much time waiting for this collab!!! Llama Emoji-08 (Crying) [V1] but, as all good, it´s worth waiting for it Llama Emoji 28 (Delicious) [V2]  (I don´t know if is the correct expression... ñeeee maaa englishh!! Llama Emoji-65 (Blood Tears...) [V3] )

Sfumato (the palomino one) is stronger than his little uke/omega face seems Llama Emoji-50 (Whistling) [V3]  He has no cutiemark 'cause FullRings simply believe he does not need an "special skill" or anything like that Llama Emoji 27 (Awesome) [V2] ; he is a free spirit to choose whatever he wants to do Llama Emoji-09 (Drinking Tea) [V1] 

My pony... well... is Black Jack, an unicorn, bastard, seductive, manipulator and good card gamer... and seme/alfa (?)... Llama Emoji-58 (Up and Down) [V3] yeah hahah I love ukes, but Fullrings, the honor it´s yours now XD Black Jack promiss to be gentle with Sfumatto Llama Emoji 42 (Pinch Cheek) [V2]  x3

Hope you like guys! and FullRings, it was a real pleasure and honor make this pic with you!!! Llama Emoji-23 (Shyness) [V1] 
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rgalaxy's avatar
wow, your art so cool !!