mimetic-heresy's avatar


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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (42)


0 min read
Hey all; I have been incredibly busy for various reasons over the past couple weeks, and by and large I have just not been able to keep up with comments/correspondences here and elsewhere in my life.   When I started this account, I intended to respond to each and every comment individually--that is still generally my goal, but things have piled up to an extent where I just can't handle the backlog.   So I am declaring a general COMMENT AMNESTY for myself.   It makes me feel kind of shitty, because I am so grateful for each and every one of you; the fact that there are people who take the time to sit down and let me know they like the sil...
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Hey y'all!  So I noticed that my pageview count is getting pretty close to 5k; I will probably maybe do something for the occasion anyway, but if anyone screencaps the 5k mark they can totally request a thing from me!  (I have never done a thing like this before, so uh.  tell me if I'm doing it wrong!) -Re done!
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So I've been thinking a bit about that post that I've seen reblogged a couple places today on tumblr , and I guess I have mixed feelings. Firstly and most importantly, I can definitely understand and respect the OP's position.  It sucks to be considered nothing more than a vehicle for shipping or something similar.  I've never been a BNF, but I've certainly had my share of random people making demands, assumptions, etc. based on the fandoms I've drawn/written in. It can be demeaning, not to mention draining! On the other hand, it doesn't really bother me personally for a couple reasons that started out as a list but devolved into a mini-e...
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Profile Comments 59

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Hey there, sorry to hear you've given up on the Homestuck fandom. Your band AU seems like a very interesting concept, and if you ever do decide to return, I'd like to see you flesh it out some more.
Yeine will send a god to play your favorite game with you. This one hates to lose. Gets messy when it does lose. kekeke [link]
ya got talent kid. I will browse your stuff more later.
So uh, I just found your deviant, and I got excited about your AU... have you written it yet? hehehe... sorry I just can't find it... I'm probably being dumb and its like really obvious but GAH I really REALLY like your art :)) too much, too much. You're style is just really good... refined, gritty, beautiful :)
I am so glad you like my art--this was such a sweet comment to get! :dance: I am also excited about my AU, but other than an increasingly extensive planning doc, I haven't actually gotten too far with it. At the moment, most of my fandom energies are going towards Rogue of Heart!
I'm not abandoning my AU though, I am way too invested. :)
Enchanting gallery! I think I spent the last half hour going through it all and trying not to fave everything I see~ Everything about your art... your style and ideas especially, are super inspiring! :D

Thank you for sharing and never stop drawing!<3
Aw, thank you so much! I really appreciate it. :)