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Veil Goddream



For The Characters-Extreme Contest:

Name: Veil Goddream

My first drawing posted, and submitted. Also my first I entered into a contest.

Okay, this is what I received from the cross-breed generator

"The promiscuous,self-righteous female half-werecat hunter who is prone to odd statements. She has an athletic build. Her non-human ancestry gives her a strangly attractive appearence."

I decided quickly she'd be mostly human with cat-like features. She lives in Naaruku, a large sea-side village. They interact peacefully humans now, but there were many large wars in the past.

They eat only fish, and have a unique religion which centers around the ocean and they see the octopus as God. Reading from their bible it states,

"And Araphu sacrificed himself and cast his eight arms in all directions and they became the earth, the sea, the sun, the moon, the humans, the Lianu, the plants, and all the earths creatures."

The Lianu (as the were-cats refer to themselves) believe this to how the world was created and they worship Araphu, hence the reason the eight is sacred to them. Their bible also says to only eat fish, as Araphu did.
They mainly use rafts to spear or net fish. Though the greatest skill one can posess is the ability to dive underwater and catch fish with their bare hands. If an octopus is caught by mistake it is released with great ceremony and a sacrifice is given to Araphu.

Tattoos plays a major role in their culture and Veil herself has two. The one on her right arm is to signify she has transitioned into womanhood, the massive left arm tatoo signals she has killed a shark. (The enemy of Araphu)

I could write a full book on their culture, history and religion but I'll keep it short.

Veil herself wears revealing clothes with a wave motif. The main part is blue with the decorations white. Her cat ears are obscured by her hair and her eyes are a shocking green, her hair almost white blonde with dark streaks.

I hope you like it. Comments please?
Image size
1807x2586px 620.59 KB
Shutter Speed
1/4 second
Focal Length
6 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jul 7, 2009, 7:09:22 PM
© 2009 - 2024 MiltonFish
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Lesleigh63's avatar
Congrats on your first post and welcome to the contest. You caught the athletic build and some cat-like features in the hands and eye.