Sunset Shimmer's Cutie MarkMillennialDan on DeviantArt

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Sunset Shimmer's Cutie Mark



I'm a fan of Sunset Shimmer, despite the dissonance that might seem to imply with my massive Flutterfan status. As a result, I've become somewhat obsessed with attempting to perfect certain vector resources pertaining to her, such as her cutie mark here. The colors are as accurate as I can manage, and the shape was painstakingly achieved through a variety of official sources. Check 'em out if you want.

:bulletblack: Inkscape SVG: [Link]
:bulletwhite: Plain SVG: [Link]
:bulletred: One of the better screenshots: [Link]
:bulletblue: A shot of the packaging of her only pony toy: [Link]
:bulletgreen: Her cutie mark on her mask from that toy: [Link]

:iconponyscape1plz::iconponyscape2plz: :iconccwelcomedplz1::iconccwelcomedplz2: :iconyouareplz::iconallowedplz:

Find out more about Ponyscape at Ponyscape-Vectors


My Little Pony: Equestria Girls and Sunset Shimmer™ property of Hasbro.
Image size
6000x7341px 766.76 KB
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