My Daily Deviation Highlights xxx 19-25 October

4 min read

Deviation Actions

Milena-Zaremba's avatar

Welcome to a Community Volunteer project in which we will be highlighting our favourite Daily Deviations featured within the recent weeks! We would like to encourage the community to join in on this project by simply going through the Daily Deviations page and collecting some of their favourite pieces of art within a journal titled "My Daily Deviation Highlights"! We hope this project will help spread awareness and love for Daily Deviations and our fellow deviant artists!

Use the hashtag #DDHighlights so we can find your journals! Love
(you can apply tags to your journal from the submission page)

Here are my picks from the passing week, I hope you'll love them as much as I do. Absolutely praise the artists, leave them lots of comments and give faves :heart:

Voices by xetobyte
Morning Ride by Nelleke
Life in the round by BelcyrPiotr*** by IlonaShevchishina
Conch by SKMOONRain by Silent-Flowers
Electromagnetism by pagitSimple Lines by Ragnar949
Red White Blue by AdrianaFilip

pink leaves by vularia
Club26, Sisters by Vint26
sun by syuka-taupe
What About Us by ildiko-neer
Appledust by ambientgray
Nature and Technology by Ajgiel
Hideaway for the Imaginative by SereneIllustrations
UF2015-245 ... Whirling Dervish by Xantipa2Smoldering by cogwurx
A Couple of Years Later by niklin1

© 2015 - 2024 Milena-Zaremba
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yumamu's avatar
It has become late, but Thank you for the feature(*^o^*)
I'm very happy :heart: