Lil' Monster Copini PlushieMilayou on DeviantArt

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Lil' Monster Copini Plushie



If you've been following me for a long time, you may remember Kelly and Marion from quite a long time ago in my gallery, both creatures from an old GBC game called "Lil' Monster", which I played quite obsessively when I was like 10 years old.

This here is Copini, who was my all time favorite monster in the game, who I'm not sure is a rabbit or a dog of some kind, but looks sorta like Asriel (from Undertale) doing some kind of cosplay lol. I wanted a plushie of this guy big time back when I was a kid, but of course that was long before I'd ever imagine I'd have the skills to make things for myself one day. I actually did start making this little guy once, probably almost 12 years ago now, but we ended up moving soon after and I either lost or threw away a lot of works-in-progress, so alas he never came to be.

Until recently, I thought about him again and decided to finally get back to it and well, here he is. To kid me, sorry it took 24 years for you to finally have this, but it was definitely worth it.

Gotta say though, I'm really loving doing the brushed hair on my newer plushies, I just need to get a bit better at learning how to trim and style it now.

As usual, I did write the pattern to this guy as I went, so if you actually want to make him for some reason, just hit me up and I'll drop it here. (I do not currently have it typed up).

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1500x2000px 161.6 KB
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