Deviation Actions
So this is a little guy known as Amaru, from the self care app game called "Amaru the Self Care Virtual Pet". It's an app I backed on Kickstarter a couple years ago, mostly because his design was just really cute and interesting, and it appealed to me, and they had plushies as part of the backer rewards. But I ended up really loving the app and I still use it daily, even two years later. If you have a lot of anxiety like me, I'd highly recommend you check it out.
Basically, it's got a lot of guided meditations, mostly different forms of breathing exercises that are designed to help focus on a certain thing, and practice maintaining that focus. Another one that's been immensely helpful to me is the body scan, it basically helps pinpoint where any stress and discomfort is coming from so you can consciously relax that area. It's helped me a LOT when I'm feeling the sensory overload at work (I work in a noisy kitchen), to help tune out distractions and focus on what I need to focus on.
I made this little buddy here with some slight modifications to my old Ruby pattern, which you can find in my gallery here (, to help promote their current Kickstarter campaign to translate the game into more languages. This app has helped me out a lot and I really want to see it succeed further. If you want, you can take a look at the campaign here: