Crash'n'Burn vol 1, Print versionmikiko-art on DeviantArt

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Crash'n'Burn vol 1, Print version



Finally after years of waiting, it's here! T___T
Thanks so much for your patience my friends!

You can find the shop with the books & merch here . The digital download is here.


Genre: Boys Love / Music
Language: English
Pages: 160
Rating: 16 and up. includes sexual content

Kyle and Tyler only have two things in common: A love of music and a short fuse. Their constant altercations in the local music scene take an unexpected turn when they both suddenly find themselves band-less.
Driven by professional respect and an awakening curiosity, Kyle agrees to join Tyler's new band and together they discover what they had been missing all along...

:icondonotuseplz::iconmyartplz: | Patreon | Shop | or buy me coffee to keep me drawing! ♥
Please share by linking back to my work and social media accounts, and crediting me by correct username/name and website. Thank you! 
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940x918px 881.27 KB
© 2019 - 2025 mikiko-art
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fuse05designs's avatar

just seeing this looks great . Let me know when its up for sale again