Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality CoverMike-Obee-Lay on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mike-obee-lay/art/Harry-Potter-and-the-Methods-of-Rationality-Cover-280590525Mike-Obee-Lay

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Mike-Obee-Lay's avatar

Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality Cover



So this was a project I did in my Photoshop class last semester. The assignment was to make a cover for any book of choice. I chose the fanfic Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. My instructor was fine with it being a fan made book. He told me it was too busy. Now that I see it I understand what he meant... So what do you guys think?

Ps. I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.
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2550x3300px 3.95 MB
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draconiceclipser's avatar
This is very well done, busy or not.