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MihoshiK's avatar

Defiance class

Location  Star trek


Inspired by the work done by :iconarvistaljik:, I thought I'd give my own spin on a more dedicated warship. The Defiance class are Starfleet's rapid-response warships.
Based on the Constitution class, but with an elongated engineering hull, a somewhat more spacious (and better armed) main hull, and the Crossfield warp engines on straight pylons. Because straight pylons are a nice callback to TOS, and I really like them.

Also, I now know why I never did full five sided views of my ships before. getting everything to line up and match is a LOT of work, and my hat off to :iconadrasil: and the others who did so before.


Craft:  Defiance-class
Type:  Battlecruiser
Length:  360 meters
Crew:  48 Officers, 180 Enlisted
Passengers:  Up to 12 (in Staterooms)
Evacuation Capacity:  2,900 (in shuttle and cargo bays)
Cargo Capacity:  410 metric tons
Consumables:  1 year
Maximum Warp Factor:  9.63
Standard Cruising Warp Factor:  6.0
Weapons:  8x Dual Phaser Banks, 9x Single Phaser Banks (blue; pulsed)
         4x Projectile Launchers (sharing a single ready magazine of 24x MkIV Photon Torpedoes, plus another 36 in a hull armory; multiple sensor probe types available)

Parts by :iconarvistaljik:, :iconcaptshade:, :iconadrasil:, and :iconjbobroony:
Image size
2880x2200px 223.92 KB
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Kal-el4's avatar

Can I use the pylons in a design?