CONTEST TIME - Mihijime's Male Mascot Contest!!!

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EDIT 10/9 ~ All Mini Raffle Winners have been chosen!!! Please go here for Info:

Male OC Contest - Mini Raffle Winners!!!

EDIT 10/5 ~ Final Extension DEADLINE = OCTOBER 11th or when last entry is turned in!!!


Okay Everyone it is now offically CONTEST TIME!!!

(Please read this journal all the way through since there is some important info at the bottom and there are listed several different ways to win some type of plushie from me other than just entering this contest!!!   4 ways to win something from me!)

:skull::bulletpurple::skull: DEADLINE :skull::bulletpurple::skull:
Death Contest will run from July 8th, 2014 to September 30th, 2014. Winners will be announced on October 6, 2014 :shuffelin: by CookiemagiK

Everyone who wants to may enter - you do not have to be a watcher or anything though I would appreciate it if you were :D

:skull: All Entries will be put in a separate journal linked at the bottom of this one to help keep them all organized!!! Thank again ya'll!

Black Rose The theme for this contest is pretty simple - Design me a Male OC  Companion that compliments my female character Mihijime.

Bullet; PurpleI would prefer him to be in either a Goth, Emo or Punk style
Bullet; BlackHave a cute little skull or skulls incorporated somewhere in his outfit (like Mihijime does).
Bullet; Pink color palette  - I am kindof wanting him to be a bit of a contrast to Mihijime so anything that doesn't have pink :) (Smile) My fav colors are Black, white, silver, royal blues or purples, reds and greys

Death references for the Mihijime character (and outfits) can be found here:

<da:thumb id="459656447"/> Com: skull dress by Danielle-chan Keychain Commission by EmeraldAngelStudio <da:thumb id="415096350"/> mihijime Doll by Kohaku0827…

Black Rose There will be 2 ways to enter!!!

Bullet; Purple You can draw him as a Fullbody character (non-chibi) (either with or without a background - your choice on that)
Bullet; Black You can design him as Chibi Character (again with or without background is up to you - has no factor on choice of winners)

Bullet; Pink Both Traditional and digital art is accepted
Bullet; Purple I don't mind the use of bases but prefer character designs without them.
Bullet; Black you can enter in either or both categories and as many times as you would like

:blackrose: NOTE All Entries except for the 1st through 3rd place winners will be given back to their creators so that they can either keep them as their own OCs or put them up for adoption - it is up to the creator.

The 1st through 3rd place winners creations will be kept by me for use in my business cards, websites, etc. Some minor changes made be made but nothing major and creator will be credited for the original design whenever possible!

:blackrose: Entries can either be linked to in the comments of this journal or you can NOTE them directly to me - just please put Male Mascot Contest Entry in the subject line so it does not get lost in the other notes!

So that is the basics of the Contest. There will be 3 separate WINNERS although the 1st place WINNER will be the one I include in all my business cards and such with Mihijime!

Bullet; PurpleDeathBullet; Purple Judges Bullet; PurpleDeathBullet; Purple
:iconmihijime: :iconceltysshadow: :iconxmireille-chanx: :iconmariahasapaintbrush: :iconkitty-vamp:

Bullet; PurpleDeathBullet; Purple First place Prizes Bullet; PurpleDeathBullet; Purple

:iconmihijime: -
Bullet; Pink Custom Large Cuddle Plush!!!!!! 2 Foot tall Plushie!!! (ex. )
Bullet; Pink Custom Small MiniChibi Plush (ex.… )
:bulletpink: 3 Month Premium Membership
Bullet; Pink llama (if I haven't given you one yet) and journal feature at the end of contest

:icondanielle-chan: -
:bulletpurple: 1 Fullbody drawing
:bulletpurple: 1 Chibi

:iconmokie-kimi: -
:bulletblack: 2 colored pics - no background
:bulletblack: 1 lineart chibi

:iconblackcoffeeneko: -
:bulletpink: 1 color pencil headshot

:iconstrawberryparall: -
:bulletpurple: 1 Full color waist up pic

:iconalwaysronnie: -
:bulletblack: llama

:iconcaptain-ron: -
:bulletpink: llama

:iconhecateslight: -
:bulletpurple: Your choosing from Prize pool -

:iconxmireille-chanx: -
:bulletblack: 1 Full color Chibi

:iconthebizarrekazeko: -
:bulletpink: 2 MMD pictures (ex. )

:icontealladyluck: -
:bulletpurple: 2 half body shaded digital drawings

:iconstarlitproductions: -
:bulletblack: Digital ACEO

:iconrena212: -
:bulletpink: Colored Headshot (ex. )
:bulletpink: 50 :points:
:bulletpink: llama

:iconkawaii-alpacasso: -
:bulletpurple: waist up commission

:icontype-your-answer: -
:bulletblack: 1 Bust Sketch

:iconmaybelletea: -
:bulletpink: 1 colored, cel-shaded bust

:icondesireeu: -
:bulletpurple: 1  halfbody colored sketch

Bullet; PinkBlack RoseBullet; Pink Second place Prizes Bullet; PinkBlack RoseBullet; Pink

:iconmihijime: -
Bullet; Pink Custom Small MiniChibi Plush (ex.… )
Bullet; Pink Custom Octopi Plushies (ex.… )
:bulletpink: 1 Month Premium Membership
Bullet; Pink llama (if I haven't given you one yet) and journal feature at the end of contest

:iconmokie-kimi: -
:bulletpurple: 1 colored pic - no background
:bulletpurple: 1 lineart chibi

:iconstrawberryparall: -
:bulletblack: 1 Full color Chibi

:iconkirliavstomo: -
:bulletpink: 1 Fullbody pic with background

:iconalwaysronnie: -
:bulletpurple: llama

:iconcaptain-ron: -
:bulletblack: llama

:iconhecateslight: -
:bulletpink: Your choosing from Prize pool -

:iconthebizarrekazeko: -
:bulletpink: 1 MMD pictures (ex. )

:iconceltysshadow: -
:bulletpurple: Animal Plush worth up to $25 in value

:icontealladyluck: -
:bulletblack:  Head shot shaded

:iconstarlitproductions: -
:bulletpink: Digital ACEO

:iconrena212: -
:bulletpurple: Colored Headshot (ex. )
:bulletpurple: llama

:iconkawaii-alpacasso: -
:bulletblack: waist up commission

:icontype-your-answer: -
:bulletpink: 1 Bust Sketch

:iconmaybelletea: -
:bulletpurple: 1 digital half body colored sketch

Bullet; PurpleDeathBullet; Purple Third place Prizes Bullet; PurpleDeathBullet; Purple

:iconmihijime: -
Bullet; Pink 2 Custom Octopi Plushies (ex.… )
Bullet; Pink llama (if I haven't given you one yet) and journal feature at the end of contest

:iconmokie-kimi: -
:bulletpink: 1 colored pic - no background
:bulletpink: 1 Lineart Chibi

:iconstrawberryparall: -
:bulletblack: 1 Full color Headshot

:iconalwaysronnie: -
:bulletpink: llama

:iconcaptain-ron: -
:bulletpurple: llama

:iconhinatafox790: -
:bulletblack: random anime or fox poster

:iconhecateslight: -
:bulletpink: Your choosing from Prize pool -

:iconthebizarrekazeko: -
:bulletpink: 1 MMD pictures (ex. )

:iconkittythecolonel: -
:bullet black:  2 icons ( ex.  )

:icontealladyluck: -
:bulletpink: head shot flat colour

:iconstarlitproductions: -
:bulletpurple: Digital ACEO

:iconrena212: -
:bulletblack: Colored Headshot (ex. )
:bulletblack: llama

:iconkawaii-alpacasso: -
:bulletpink: waist up commission

:icontype-your-answer: -
:bulletpurple: 1 Bust Sketch

:iconmaybelletea: -
:bulletblack: 1 colored digital sketch bust


2nd way to win a FREE Plush:

I am still looking to add a few more prizes to help round things out a bit so if you are interested in making a donation(s) to help me with this contest please feel free to note me or to comment on this journal. Please state for what you would be willing to donate and for which place you will be donating to (1st, 2nd, or 3rd). As donations come in I will be placing them in this Journal to help me keep track of everyone and everything :happy: by CookiemagiK

Bullet; Purple Donations can be anything from art, artisan crafts, points, llamas, etc - really whatever you feel like

All donators will be entered into a special drawing and 2 Lucky Winners will be drawn to each receive a FREE Small MiniChibi Plush from me :funnydance: by CookiemagiK at the end of the contest.

3rd way to win a FREE Plush:

I may need 1 more judge just so that I have an uneven number in case there is a tie so again if interested in being a judge please let me know by either commenting on this journal or by sending me a not ok! There will be special judge prizes as well (which all judges will be recieving as a thank you for their time and will be a surprise gift). I am also gonna allow the judges to enter if they wish - just know that if it comes down to one of your pics being chosen i will ask that you not help in the final decision - just trying to help keep it a bit more fair that way!

And finally the 4th and final way to win a FREE Plush:

Please help me spread the word about my upcoming contest!!! I am really hoping for a good summer turn out on this and may ( Giggle ) Those that provide a link to whereever they hepled spread the word of this contest will be entered into a Mini Drawing all by themselves for FREE prizes!

So if ya help spread this around DA or FB or wherever please drop me a comment or note with the link and I will enter ya in a special drawing for a random plush prize ok! The more ways ya spread the word (the more links to separate postings) the more times you are entered ok! Good luck to every one and THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for the help and support!!!!

Bear Emoji-05 (Excited) [V1] by Jerikuto Again Thank you all for your help and consideration!

:skull::bulletpink::bulletpurple::bulletblack::skull: CONTEST ENTRIES JOURNAL :skull::bulletpink::bulletpurple::bulletblack::skull:
Male Mascot CONTEST ENTRIES!!! - UPDATED  Male Mascot CONTEST ENTRIES!!! - UPDATEDSo here I will be listing all the entries in my OC MALE MASCOT CONTEST!!!! Again Good Luck to everyone!!!     :skull::bulletpink::bulletpurple::bulletblack::skull::skull::bulletpink::bulletpurple::bulletblack::skull:1.) :iconceleeia:  2.) :icondarkcolorblood:  3.) :iconjlmgg:  4.) :iconx-not-understood: 5.) :iconcmcookiez: 6.) :iconk-masune: 7.) :iconfraternal-punzie: 8.) :iconchibizangoose: 9.) :iconstrawberryparall: 10.) :icondarkabyss101: 11.) :iconfraxi93: 12.) :iconsherly97: 13.) :iconsherly97: 14.) :iconJLMGG: 15.) :iconsherly97: 16.) :iconkyrnastar: 17.) :iconsikachu34: 18.) :iconmikomikisomi: 19.) :icontype-your-answer: 20.)...

Design (c) Squitopus
Bg tile (c) BuburuResources
Header (c) farronox
Footer (c) Danielle-chan
Icon (c) BlackCatOfRainyDays
Filmstrip (c) shelldevil
Other arts (c) Drawn-Mario M0momoM0 Chikukko Shiro-Ni-Iro padmenvy
© 2014 - 2025 mihijime
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SJ-Himiko-Minuit's avatar…

High quality version… (my phone camera sucks. )

Entry 9. I really should stop , but I got new watercolour pencils.  IF you want a cropped out version of just Mihijime for ya