Hatsune Miku 3DMightyLeafy on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/mightyleafy/art/Hatsune-Miku-3D-73746203MightyLeafy

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MightyLeafy's avatar

Hatsune Miku 3D



My 4th 3D model ever to be made :XD: (I realised I actually did make a quick model of myself for a class project one time lol)

Anyways, this is a 3D model of Vocaloid2's Hatsune Miku :nod: I animated Miku a little to show that I've rigged her already.

*Edit* Well it seems that Deviantart wont let me submit this in the 3D art section. No videos allowed in that section etc etc. Thats why this is in the flash>animations section :nod:

*Edit2* I don't know how to make it auto loop on DA =_=; It loops fine when I open it from my hdd with ie ~_~;

*Related work* [link]
Image size
800x800px 1.79 MB
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S0ULESSB0NES's avatar
Do you do 3D model commissions?