PMD - Dream Eater Inc.mightycucumber on DeviantArt

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PMD - Dream Eater Inc.



When I said Team Monkey Bizz would be my last Team, I was pretty sure I was right. But nooooo - then these guys came to my head. :iconareyoukiddingmeplz:

I have a pretty solid background planned for them, even better than the rest of my Teams, I think - that was actually one of the main reasons I ended up making another Team. But seriously, this will stop with these guys, I promise ;_;

Anyways, here's their descriptions:

Mordecai - Drowzee:

A cold, grumpy, depressed, calculating and greedy Drowzee, who runs Dream Eater inc. in the outskirts of Tao Village.
Basically his company (which consists of, well... him alone) makes money by getting Pokemon rid of their nightmares - that'd be Mordecai's job. Because of always eating nightmares, Mordecai almost never smiles, and when he does, it's usually when he's about to receive his paycheck for his services - and it's not like a smile it's... more like a grin or something.
He doesn't have friends, and neither wants to create new relationships with other 'mons. The reason of this and his overall sociopathic nature remains uncertain, but we only know he wasn't always like this. Actually in his young years he used to be quite the opposite of what he is now...
He limps from one leg, so you'll probably see him holding onto his cane most of the time. He usually uses it to smack other's heads, especially poor Thing, or in battle when he needs to use close range attacks - but then again, he doesn't really like to get involved in brawls.
Mordecai is overall sick of life, and doesn't care really how the others arround him are feeling, as long as they don't mess with him. Yeah, he's just a grumpy old bastard. No one will ever want to stick with him, ever. Not even a certain frillish, nope
One thing that's been bothering him lately is his apparent inability to express indiference towards Eloise's feelings... it's as if he... cares?... This deeply confuses him, and he'll try to deny it at any cost.


- Mordecai currently lost his cane - needless to say he's even grumpier than usual;
- Unlike other Drowzees, Mordecai has darker yellow spots on his back;
- It's been years since Mordecai has eaten any good dream. He does this on purpose;
- Like most Drowzees he doesn't get much sleep, so he has bags under his eyes;
- Mordecai won't willingly start a new friendship with any other 'mon. He just wants to be alone;
- Shroomsworth is his Nemesis - both hate each other, but try to hide it behind gentlemanly maneirisms and indirect insults;
- He rivals PK in his greedyness - needless to say that this causes some seldom disputes between the two.


Thing - Zigzagoon:

Mordecai's scruffy long time sidekick... well, more like a minion/pet...
Thing met Mordecai quite a long time ago and has stick with him ever since.
He is, well,... a bit messed up as you can see, and is incapable of pronouncing words or construct phrases, even small ones. He acts more like a dog than anything else - needless to say that Mordecai treats him like such. Despite this, he is very loyal to his "owner", and will rarely let him down - well, at least that's how his simple mind sees it. It's not rare to see Mordecai chasing Thing after something he's done wrong... probably just pissing all over the carpet.
He is clumsy, hypercative and rather obtuse, but that doesn't seem to get him down. He's the happiest most oblivious folk you'll ever meet! 8D
Even though Mordecai treats him more like a servant rather than a friend (or so it would seem) Thing always tries to cheer him up and be nice to him because, somehow, understands how Mordecai feels.
Developed a deep affection towards Eloise, due to her kindness towards him and because he feels she can pull his master out of his sociopathic state.


- Mordecai usually smacks Thing's head with his cane - that's not the reason Thing's crazy though, Mordecai already met him like this;
- Thing is always twitching uncontrollably, in a maniac way;
- He can't keep his tongue inside his mouth, which translates in it always being hanging at the corner of it;
- Thing is infested with fleas (Joltiks?);
- He sleeps in a carton box, in the backyard;
- Thief is his best ability - sometimes however, his clumsiness gets in his way;
- Thing makes wider, more pronounced zigzags than most Zigzagoons, which translates in wobbly steps that make him look like he's drunk;
- Unlike his owner, Thing thinks everyone is a possible new friend - needless to say that this makes Mordecai undergo some awkward situations.


Eloise - Frilish:

Newest member of Dream Eater inc. She now works as Mordecai's secretary, as an apprentice, since PK ordered him to take her in as such. Being the daughter of a well known (and quite rich) Jellicent business man, PK ordered persudaded Mordecai to teach her the tools of the trade, in the hopes that one day she'll become a well known Merchant herself and keep the money of her family's fortune flowing to the Merchant Guild's vaults. The Kecleon also expects her father to start partnerships with the Merchants, as an acknowledgement for their services.
Eloise is very gentle, kind and protective towards others, but pays a lot of attention as to how she looks in their eyes - she cares a lot about her appearence, and in acting like a "true lady", having been instructed as such by her Gardevoir stepmother. She's usually very collected, cunning, perseverant, persuasive, and even quite sassy, albeit also being a bit stubborn - let's just say that all of this mixed drives Mordecai nuts. She is, however, quite fragile as well, and doesn't deal well with being yelled at or see her or her ideals or beliefs bashed - too bad that she has to deal with that on a daily basis, living with Mordecai.
She can't figure out why, but she feels the urge to help Mordecai out of his miserable depressive state, so that's one of the reasons why she agreed to become his secretary.


- She was born in the shores of Tao lake, where her family owns a century old mansion;
- Her father is a Jellicent, and her stepmother a Gardevoir;
- Enjoys reading books at night, lit only by a candle - she says it calms her down;
- Likes to go through walls ever since she was a child, an habbit she carried all the way to Tao as well, even though Mordecai tells her not to do so;
- Is quite fashionable, and always dresses accordingly;
- For a lady she is quite adventurous and curious, and enjoys exploring new places everytime she gets the chance;
- Often employs sarcasm or clever/sassy statements, even more now that she has to deal with Mordecai's shenanigans;
- The "hair" on her head is actually a mass of tentacles she arranges in the shape of her favourite hairstyle - they unfold and show their true form when she uses the move Hex.

Welp, let's wait and see how these guys behave! ;D


Dream Eater inc. (R) Me.
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springheel's avatar
Where's Ribgy? ^^