105 Oculi NoctemMidnitella on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/midnitella/art/105-Oculi-Noctem-494366934Midnitella

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105 Oculi Noctem



:new: Ref Update 08/02/2021

Registration Note

ID: 105
Old: F-259
Name: Oculi Noctem (The Eyes of the Night)
Barn Name/Nickname: Oculi
Sex: Mare
Breed/type: EquusBallator - Mountain Type x Forest Type
Age: 6 Years
Height: 14.3 hh
Discipline: None
Genotype: EE aa nCr nDs nSb  - Smokey Black Sabino with Dotted Sooty 

Personality/History:  Oculi is a rather quiet soul, often observing others before acting how she feels is appropriate in the situation. This makes her come of often as timid, and sometimes even submissive, but this is not quite the truth. Her friends and head mates know better than anyone she is actually a spitfire of adventure and spends most of her quiet time day dreaming about the world beyond their view. Actually being one of the fastest and most sure-footed member of her herd, she is often seen darting around the trees in the forest for fun as well as chasing after foals in their games. Her friends include: 1127 Amissa Caritate, a courageous and sassy troublemaker; 3121 Cinis, a lovely soul with a similar sense of adventure; 5831 Aversa Capitis, sweet and grounded, she is often the voice of reason; and 3198 Batus Heims, who is often the one who finds the humor in everything as well as the trouble. This mix-match of mares have been known to get themselves both into and out of trouble rather regularly, and are not to be underestimated.

  • Often takes the night-shift for watching her herd, preferring a more nocturnal lifestyle.
  • Does not like large stallions to the point of outright aggression if she's approached by one.

------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: A-020 | Cervi Albi
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown

----------------------------------------------------------------------- DSSS: E-026 Fortis Sicut Tauri
------------------------------------------ DSS: B-030 Cava Testudine Reference
----------------------------------------------------------------------- DSSD: J-022 Omnia 
----------------- DS: WHS: ST-001 Messorem animae
------------------------------------------ DSD: F-074 Tenebris Sapientia
Dam: ST- 017 Avicula (No Reference)
------------------------------------------ DDS: Solus Luctus Atrox
----------------- DD: F-084 Sola Venenum
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DDDSS: #35 Lux Mortem
---------------------------------------------------------------------- DDDS: IHS Gladiator
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DDDSDSS: IHSAlbus Nox 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DDDSDS: IHSAries Validus
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DDDSDSD: IHSCorvus Fuga 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DDDSD: A-031 | IHS Panthrea Uncia
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DDDSDD: Vereor Solus
------------------------------------------ DDD: IHS Domina Toxicon
---------------------------------------------------------------------- DDDD: 4785 MLS Ignus Lillium

Username | Status | Mate | Resulting Foal 
1. Crooked-Gentleman | :bulletyellow:529 Mitis Gigas | B-429 CrookedGentlemen
2. AdventureGal123 | :bulletgreen:922 Caelestes Ensis | unknown

Gaits: 1
Dressage: 0
Jumping: 0
Intelligence: 1
Stamina: 1
Speed: 1
Strength: 0
Experience: 0


Accepted Foal Design
ID 105 by BallatorDesignAdmin
Image size
1027x847px 344.76 KB
© 2014 - 2025 Midnitella
anonymous's avatar
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That-Artistic-Chick's avatar
Could I snag a slot for 200? If not that's totally fine :heart: This is such pretty girl.