midnightstouch on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/midnightstouch/art/The-Grasslands-II-125890233midnightstouch

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midnightstouch's avatar

The Grasslands II



A very ambitious set of 45 grass brushes. Done in PS 7. Image Pack is included for those with older versions :)
Be patient, it's a big download.

Sorry for the watermark thingy's on the preview. I'm a little sick and tired of some of the internet sites that snag the brushes, slap their own website address on the preview image and take credit for my efforts.

As always

Feel free to comment, it's how I know whether what I'm doing is worth it or not.

As per the others...A :+fav: is appreciated if you download and use them. Also credit me, and please link back so others can find them.

I'd love to see how you used them

And above all....enjoy! :)
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